What About The Children? Bush Document Loss Enabler Finds New Life Worrying About Facebook & Google

Where Are They Now, Bush Document Delitors Edition 

When we last saw Theresa Payton she was the George W. Bush White House Chief Information Officer, and they didn’t care too much for information.   Through sloth, indifference and fraud Bush’s people managed to lose millions of White House staff emails which were supposed to be public records, and she came on board as the edifice began to crumble in 2006.  Payton responded as any true patriot daughter of a U.S. Marine would, proudly joining the Administration’s effort to deny, delay and blow town before the roof fell in.

Payton has landed on her feet, leading a North Carolina security consulting outfit.  Its named Fortalice for a Middle English term for small fortress, possibly after watching too much Game Of Thrones.  In her new guise Payton goes about scaring parents that Mark Zuckerberg is coming for their children, and sharing with Glenn Beck fans concerns those pervs at Google and Apple are coming through your skylight.

Her solution to this tidal wave of peeping and creeping?  A stern call to tell your elected representatives you demand “regular updates!”

Payton stays busy, burnishing fellow Bush email loser Tony Fratto‘s contribution to the enduring legacy of Steve Jobs: 

…and helping us all keep TomKat Compliant ®:


George W. Bush: Still Waiting For Truman Thing To Kick In

No, Actually 

In retirement, as in his latter years in office, George W. Bush remains among our most dispised Presidents.  And of our current living legends, Bush is number one, surpassing the hated Jimmy Carter in least liked-ness.

Presidential reputations are of course confections of whimsy and make believe, so hope lives, but the continued loathing of his big brother can only deepen the despair of Jeb “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda” Bush.

Bush Busted Burying Bust




White House Whodunit: Where’s Winston? 


A favorite pastime among Bush revisionists and obsessive Obama haters has been the endlessly recalled departure of  the Churchill bust Bush displayed in the Oval Office in a transparent plea to be compared with the former great.

Imperial Workroom 

Barack Obama came to town and Winnie went, to the shocked disbelief of imperial nostalgists everywhere. Glenn Beck brought Churchill back for stirring addresses emanating from his make believe White House.    The Washington Post faithfully transcribed House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s alternative Churchill history, in which the Tories somehow were not in power as Hitler prepared his move.

Now, in a shocking development, George W. Bush himself has literally hidden Churchill!  Bush’s new White House portrait [not to be confused with his Portrait Gallery portrait] has been unveiled, and the former President is shown blocking America’s view of the craggy visage we  crave.

Saved for public viewing is the image over Bush’s right shoulder, the cowboy painting he has gone to extraordinary lengths to mislabel and misrepresent in order to dress up his lame “A Charge To Keep” theme.

Glenn Beck, Oval Teen


 White House Wannabe 

Proven comic resource Glenn Beck has returned to the headlines, through the unusual path of set decoration.

Becky has launched a new series of stirring web-cast addresses, taped in a make-beleave Oval Office.

He has a history of borrowed gravitas attempts in the past, including his MLK Makeover at the Lincoln Memorial, and a previous Oval-ation when he was still on cable.

Glenn’s fantasy White House is sort of a mash-up, with blue screens to add “punch” to his bold observations. When words fail to portray the hell-scape President Obama is leading us to, the pictures can take over. 

Beck’s pretend POTUS platform is a return to yesteryear in many ways, with the Bush era Churchill bust returned to its place of glory,    and the God-awful Bush Presidential Seal rug back in action.  Glenn apparently missed the Obama rug swap, with the attending “controversy.”


George W. Bush, Making History – You? You’re On Your Own

 Wouldn’t You Like To Know!   


Gawker historian in residence John Cook has fun poking the National Archives for their deference to former greats.

The George W. Bush administration’s papers are squirrelled away, and no, you can’t see them till Bush is done with them.  Bush left office having made a hash of his electronic records, resisting disclosure to the end despite estimates  millions of emails had gone missing.  In retirement only Bush and Ghost Who Walks Cheney have access to the goods until 2014, so Cook has been mischievously asking what our betters have been asking the National Archives for, FOIA-ing the records of their document requests.

The Archives will have none of that nonsense.  They’ve denied his request for what are clearly public records, showing a tender concern for Bush’s privacy not demonstrated by the man himself.

Archives have had a pattern of hiding their dealings with past greats, refusing historian Anthony Clark‘s requests for records on the foundations all the Presidential Libraries run to keep their guy’s image ever shinier.

Deference to greatness reached it’s apogee under the last Archivist of the United States. Bush appointee Alan Weinstein remained mute over the Bush email destruction by deed or sloth, and reacted to Bush’s grabbing censorship rights for ex Presidents and their decendants by inventing the happy club of “presidential families” who he hoped and prayed would do right by history and release the stranglehold on facts Bush granted them.

And then retired.  Good to see the current team is upholding the tradition of cringing deference.