George W. Bush Library: Memories Are Made Of This

 It’s Like They Never Left  brooksbrosriot

It’s almost Bush Library Eve, and the witches are emerging to cast their spells, trying to persuade a reluctant public that it really wasn’t as bad as all that.  Part of the coven is Stephen F. Knott,  author of “Rush to Judgment: George W. Bush, the War on Terror and His Critics.”

Knott is a long time fan of executive action, weeping for presidential powers lost when the Supreme Court pointed out that Bush couldn’t just wing it at Guantanamo. He dismisses criticism of Bush era torture by pointing [pg 125] to the Truman administration’s wholesale mobilization of ex-Nazis to fight the Commies, so Hitler!

He whines about pundits ganging up on poor George in the pages of the Washington Post, whose editorial page is adorned with not one but two former Bush speech writers – Michael Gerson, the nice one, and the unspeakable Mark Theeson, portly torture enthusiast.

Knott goes after  historians sullying themselves as pundits, calling for careful archival research in the long twilight of power. He’s a professor at the U.S. Naval War College,  but he’s more then just an intellectual adornment of the Navy’s White Walkers. Among Knott’s achievements is a stint co-directing the University of Virginia’s Reagan administration oral history project, where the grizzled veterans whiled away the hours not answering toothless questions.  [see bottom graphs]

Knott quotes Sean Wilentz’s claim for Bush’s uniqueness:

“No other U.S. president “failed to embrace the opposing political party” in wartime, Wilentz claimed, despite numerous examples to the contrary, such as when Franklin D. Roosevelt compared his Republican opponents to fascists in 1944.”

Roosevelt had Republican Secretaries of the Navy and of War, and Knott doesn’t specify where FDR made these shameful claims, but I have an idea where he’s coming from.


Not Roosevelt, but his supporters, engaged in a lot of war and election melding, with domestic enemies denouncing “Roosevelt’s War” morphing into Hitler, rooseveltswar and cartoon workingmen called on to ” sidetrack defeatist limited.”


The ’44 Dewey campaign made an early run at what would soon become a Republican perennial, charging that the Democrats were but a front for the Reds.  Dewey elaborated on  the theme in a Boston speech, with the added frisson of Jew baiting in the form of that year’s “You Didn’t Build That.”  Much of the GOP campaign was built around a Roosevelt quote from the smoke filled rooms birthing Harry Truman.  FDR had his minions feel out CIO union leader Sidney Hillman about dumping Vice President Henry Wallace for James F. Brynes,  Hillman wouldn’t go along, and somehow Harry Truman emerged, along with the immortal phrase “Clear It With Sidney” clear it with sidney

Republicans had great fun with “Sidney”, a clear marker for Jews. The comment sections of World Net Daily were sadly not yet available, so their mouth breathing followers entertained themselves  scribbling laughtastic limerick suggestions:


“Political pots have a lid,

Beneath which the cooking is hid.

But it’s easy to tell

From the Bolsehvik smell

Which stew was concocted by Sid.”

Dewey was called out by Roosevelt’s Interior Secretary Harold Ickes, accusing the Governor of toying with red baiting, fascism and  “desperate, contemptible fanning of the flames of religious hatred.


One president did flat out Nazi bait Dewey, that nice Harry Truman in a 1948 episode of “feistiness.”



Bordering On Shamelessness

Cruz In For A Disabusing? cruzflag

Despite brave talk about how next time it will all be different with their brown brethren, your New Look GOP is still, shall we say squeamish about them whats from elsewhere.

Which makes it all the more surprising that some have turned to an immigrant to get the job done in 2016.

Passing over dozens of qualified white males [and that New Hampshire gal ] Politico is thinking big again.  Hearts are reported aflutter for Texas dreamboat Ted Cruz, despite his Canadian birth.

An immigrant to do a job Americans could do.

Politico reports the speculation with a straight face, carefully ignoring recent Republican birther flirtations, which go unmentioned.  Our favorite birther sub-cult was the variation which reluctantly accepted Obama’s Hawaiian birth, but branched off into unique interpretations of the Constitution’s “natural born” language involving invented disqualification based on his father’s citizenship.

Similar circumstances [father not a citizen] would appear to disqualify Cruz, but as Politico folkish-ly allows, Ted “knows a thing or two about constitutional law.”

The Senate newbie is clearly interested in the issue, with spokesman Sean Ruston pre-loaded with this less than spontaneous line:

“Ted is a U.S. citizen by birth, having been born in Calgary to an American-born mother” 

Despite quoting multiple constitutional scholars, Politico takes a relaxed view of all this legal talk.  After reviewing the controversy over Panama Canal Zone born John McCain’s qualification, the article punts:


“The question of McCain’s eligibility was ultimately resolved not by a court but by his colleagues: The Senate approved a bipartisan resolution giving him the OK.”


Traditionally, “activist” Senators leave such determinations to the Judiciary, and I thought it was voters who cut short this spirited discussion, but whatever.

Politico assures us there’s no need for fussin.  They quote Teddy Roosevelt scion, constitutional scholar, and failed would-be John Grisham, Kermit “Kim” Roosevelt III:

“It’s a pretty significant step for the courts to say, ‘Hey America, you want this person to be president, we’re going to stop that’.” 

So never mind then and go on about your business.

Giant Obama Sparks The Usual Death Wish


The chamber of commerce from Hooters’ hometown builds a sand sculpture near the Democratic Convention site, and people pretend to be shocked that its cheesy.

And the wingnut airforce rises in it’s fury to wish Barack Obama dead. 

Because lame pr stunting,often from the same clowns, has never disgraced past gatherings.

Dixon Illinois, 2011 

Myrtle Beach, SC 2008  

Myrtle Beach, SC 2012   


Glenn Beck, Oval Teen


 White House Wannabe 

Proven comic resource Glenn Beck has returned to the headlines, through the unusual path of set decoration.

Becky has launched a new series of stirring web-cast addresses, taped in a make-beleave Oval Office.

He has a history of borrowed gravitas attempts in the past, including his MLK Makeover at the Lincoln Memorial, and a previous Oval-ation when he was still on cable.

Glenn’s fantasy White House is sort of a mash-up, with blue screens to add “punch” to his bold observations. When words fail to portray the hell-scape President Obama is leading us to, the pictures can take over. 

Beck’s pretend POTUS platform is a return to yesteryear in many ways, with the Bush era Churchill bust returned to its place of glory,    and the God-awful Bush Presidential Seal rug back in action.  Glenn apparently missed the Obama rug swap, with the attending “controversy.”


Rick Santorum Isn’t Coming After Your Birth Control

…But Happy To Let The States Do It!



The Washington Post explores new frontiers of letting presidential candidates make up their own history, giving Rick Santorum an opportunity to fuzz up his campaign against birth control.

Melinda  Henneberger in her fantisy feminist pose She The People spoke to the man himself after the fringe radicals of Salon pointed to his views on sex [against it, unless in the right hands].

Henneberger has Santorum identifying as Catholic, so of course he’s against birth control, before moving on to the Supreme Court’s Griswold ruling which got the states out of your bedroom.

It’s a philosophical question you see; Santorum feels the Supremes overreached.  He’s only for leaving the states alone to do as they please, what could be the harm?

Henneberger then drags in cartoon Fox liberal Alan Colmes, who apparently bungled a reference to Santorum’s fetishising his dead son, to end on a “how dare you” note to those who would attack this good man.

“ I’d feel silly pretending to believe he’s going to be even metaphorically riffling through medicine chests”

She may write, but she isn’t paying attention.

Back in the day, all thoughtful folk knew Ronald Reagan couldn’t possibly be elected with all his right wing baggage.  The road to hell begins in pretending as though the crazies won’t act on their impulses.