“Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them.” Ronald Reagan
In the spirit of Ronald Reagan, Indiana is pondering finishing a broke and incomplete local Ronald Reagan Parkway by swapping it for a state road. Indiana would pay for the Parkway, while local government would take over maintenance on state highway 267.
Hendricks County was trying to Cargo Cult it [“Build the Runways and the Planes Will Come”], launching the road with no money, but a dream. Despite tapping federal earmarks, they’ve failed to persuade even smaller governments to pick up the tab, and now propose collapsing into the arms of the state.
Indiana is already home to the Ronald Reagan Expressway, Interstate 469, part of the nation’s ever growing number of people, places and things named for the beloved former leader.
Pat Answers? 
Perhaps America’s only Pat Nixon poem, an excerpt:
“Dropping eggs
Hearing smelling
Biting and eating life still living as it
Thrashes and squirms in pain as it is
Savored in the mouth of other life . . . ?”
Don’t Vote With Texas? 
Barack Obama has swept a mock election at Laura Bush alma mater and would be future home of the Bush Library, Southern Methodist University.

Party Time Out 
The Republican National Committee has long joined in the fun beating up the Clintons over access to Clinton Administration papers. But you don’t need to hide what you don’t have, and they’re doing their part to bury Bush Administration emails generated by White House staff.
A subset of the wider lost email issue, some 80 White House staff used RNC email accounts for both political and government business. The RNC did nothing to preserve the government records, purging files after 30 days.
And now they say they won’t bother to find the lost records.
“The process of recovering missing e-mails from RNC servers and \ilhite House
back-up tapes has not begun. Beginning in April 2007, the Archives urged the White
House to start recovering missing White House e-mails stored on back-up tapes
maintained by the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the White House. In his
May 1, 2007,letter, the Archivist advised Mr. Fielding that such ‘oa ‘restoration’ project
can easily take more than one year to complete.” Despite repeated requests from the
Archives, these efforts have not yet begun. Moreover, the RNC has informed the
Committee that it has no intention of trying to restore missing White House e-mails.”
Philadelphia Freedom 
Philadelphia is recognising a George Washington slave who escaped while he lived in the city. Oney Judge was one of nine slaves the Father of Our country brought with him to the nation’s first capitol, and one of two who escaped. Their experiences have been in the news with the excavation of The President’s House site in Independence Square.
Judge lived the remainder of her life a fugitive in New Hampshire.