Disappointing Office Seeker 
Barack Obama’s banishment of a Churchill bust from the Oval Office was a signature moment in his presidency, the disrespecting of our special relationship with Britain and source of endless mock conservative head-scratching, who wondered why anyone might be cool towards  the beloved Winnie. 
Some hearts thrilled.
Friday came word that everybody had it all wrong, the bust never left the White House, and rested in a place of great honor.
Heady Days  
But, sadly, no.
Rather then own up to their imperial blusterer banishment, the Obama White House tried to be cute, and got caught. Â Two Churchill busts by the same sculpture have had a spot in the White House, one remains, and the Bush related one lives at the British embassy.
So Obama hadn’t taken a stand against imperialism, delivered a rebuke to Tony Blair’s Bush Poodle-ism, or spared the nation from Churchillian blowhard-ism.
Glory Days 
They dodged, made no one happy, and have now reinvigorated one of the right’s stale talking points which live in endless repetition on World Net Daily.
 Just when Mitt Romney’s bumptious London visit had displayed the the stupid pretension of the Churchill cult, the hearty iteration of Newt Gingrich’s “Kenyan, anti-colonial†crack-pottery.

R-O-N-A-L-D  R-E-A-G-A-N!  
The New York Times takes note of an exciting new collaboration high above Semi Valley: the Reagan Presidential Library and the corporate heirs of Mickey Mouse, joining to celebrate their mutual need for fresh meat.
The paper makes much of the odd-couple shoe-horning of Disney into an august “Presidential Library,” but the Reagan people in particular are practiced hands at odd lash-ups. Â They’ve devoted much of their energy over the last several years to building a vast airplane hanger, making Nancy Reagan’s old dresses into a tax deduction, while losing more documents than any of their peers. Â All the libraries face declining attendence and have tried to morph into vaguely pop history palaces.
The lets call it limited engagement of Reagan and Disney takes up much of the article, but in fact there were links. Disneyland’s opening was c0-hosted by Reagan. Â Reagan’s sinister CIA Director, Bill Casey, was Counsel for CapCities, which swallowed ABC during Reagan’s reign and was a principal component as Michael Eisner rebuilt Disney.
 And Reagan cut a lot of ribbons for them.
The Times speculates about Disney’s motives:
 “Exhibitions of memorabilia have long been one of Disney’s tools for furthering its corporate interests. A few years ago, the company teamed with the Pompidou Center for a display of animation art as part of a campaign to persuade the French to embrace Disneyland Paris.”
As long as we’re going there, how’s EuroDisney working out?  Twenty years on the park remains mired in debt. On the plus side,   French Communists egged then Disney head Michael Eisner to protest EuroDisney’s launch, perhaps the only decent thing the Party did since the Anti=Nazi Resistance. 
Room To Grow 
An apartment rented by Columbia transfer student Barack Obama is on the market.
Gawker summons up the truly unfortunate image of the future leader of the free world haunting these rooms, pulling the babes in his blue and white sarong, behavior which allegedly did transpire in later Obama apartments.
Let’s use this real estate blank slate to launch more imaginative lies about Obama’s Columbia period.  Previously we’ve enjoyed a fake Founder-slamming Obama thesis story sparked by the sinister Michael Ledeen missing the satire in the original, leading to Rush Limbaugh going wide with the story.  Obama was already linked to Chinese espionage by a fanciful chain of “evidence” linked to Manhatten’s Upper West Side already, so get to it!
Homes Of Distinction  
You can’t blame the realtor for trying, but why does the Washington Post think we care if the house of someone who was a White House aide almost 50 years ago is for sale? True LBJ obsessives may recall Harry McPherson,  Lyndon Johnson’s speechwriter who famously did not write the  “I Shall Not Seek” speech, but Jesus.
Wiley old Clark Clifford at least had the moxie to actually host Truman and Johnson before going out with a bang, avoiding indictment over fronting for the CIA and worse money launderers BCCI because prosecuters felt sorry for the old man.
Where Are They Now, Bush Document Delitors Edition 
When we last saw Theresa Payton she was the George W. Bush White House Chief Information Officer, and they didn’t care too much for information. Â Through sloth, indifference and fraud Bush’s people managed to lose millions of White House staff emails which were supposed to be public records, and she came on board as the edifice began to crumble in 2006. Â Payton responded as any true patriot daughter of a U.S. Marine would, proudly joining the Administration’s effort to deny, delay and blow town before the roof fell in.
Payton has landed on her feet, leading a North Carolina security consulting outfit.  Its named Fortalice for a Middle English term for small fortress, possibly after watching too much Game Of Thrones.  In her new guise Payton goes about scaring parents that Mark Zuckerberg is coming for their children, and sharing with Glenn Beck fans concerns those pervs at Google and Apple are coming through your skylight.
Her solution to this tidal wave of peeping and creeping? Â A stern call to tell your elected representatives you demand “regular updates!”
Payton stays busy, burnishing fellow Bush email loser Tony Fratto‘s contribution to the enduring legacy of Steve Jobs:Â 
…and helping us all keep TomKat Compliant ®: