Laura Bush: The Betty- fication

A Cry For Help  bush-lauras-claw-marks.jpg

Laura Bush’s glazed look was much commented upon while her husband served as president.  Now the shocking truth can be revealed:  Laura Bush is actually drug and plastic surgery ravaged Betty Ford!

A Ford In Her Future  bush-laura-statue.jpg    ford-betty.jpg

Texas sculptor Scott Sustek is creating a  statue for Austin’s Laura Bush Library, under construction in the state capitol. bush-laura-statue-calipers.jpg  The former First Lady posed for him and submitted to measurements, and she and her staff appear to have approved his Ford-ifying.



Colorado Rocky Mountain Hype

Up Where We Belong ford-beaver-creek-home-ad.jpg

Gerald Ford’s former Colorado home is for sale, and the frenzy is unrestrained!

To our knowledge, it has been generations since the home of a former President has been offered to the open marketplace…and this is the only one in history to have such a prized location.


Ford’s own home in Alexandria Virginia has languished on the market lately. To our knowledge there have recently been two Nixons and a Kennedy sold, a Harding changed hands in 2004, a Reagan in 2000, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s former home is for rent.

No word if the Colorado Ford property includes his home x-ray machine.

The Bush Vision Takes Shape

inspired-by-disneyland.jpg The Dallas Morning News reports that George Bush has found the Imagineers for his Presidential Library.

Dan Murphy and the PRD Group have been qquietly burrowing away since 2007, and they promise much.

Murphy says the Bush exhibits will cover the presidency [Make Way for the Unitary Executive!], and both America and the American Experience!

Who are these tour guides of History’s Path?

The PRDists have already served America, developing such stirring exhibits as the Smithsonian’s “First Ladies: Political Role and Public Image.

first-ladies-gang.jpg Who’s Had Some Work Done?

We can look forward to hard-hitting analysis of little known chapters such as:

“From the exuberant Dolley Madison and troubled Mary Todd Lincoln, to the humanitarian Eleanor Roosevelt and the intriguing wives of our recent presidents, the exhibition celebrates the remarkable individuals who have occupied this demanding post.”

ford-betty-mary-tyler-moore.jpg The introduction peaks with a quote from the Everfeistytrademark2.gif Betty Ford:

“I do not believe that being First Lady should prevent me from expressing my views . . . Being ladylike does not require silence.” — Betty Ford

….not mentioning that her saucy spark in this period was stoked by her copious use of prescription drugs.

Where will PRD’s Vision Quest take us? The Dallas Morning News offers clues.

Work on the design of the Bush library and museum has only just begun, but the selection panel initially asked SMU and other applicants to consider many possible features for the complex, including:

•An IMAX or film theater laura-giant-bush.jpg

•Permanent exhibit space oval-bush-leaning.jpg

•Traveling exhibit space nixon-futerama1.jpg

•Gift shop and cafe bush-novelty-collection.jpg

•Video classrooms museum.jpg

•Performing arts space reagan-pbr.jpg

•An apartment or residence facilities for George W. Bush and his wife, Laurabush-library-contest.jpg

And Their Children After Them

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here truman-flame.jpg

A new report on burial plans for Harry Truman daughter Margaret Truman Daniel raises a sub question to a larger question: if Presidents insist on pharaohic entombment in their Presidential Libraries, do we have to put up with their relatives as well? Margaret’s ashes are to be buried at the Truman Library along with her late husband’s.

Space is already set aside for Betty Ford ford-grave-bush-visit.jpg and the Bush’s plans appear well advanced. bush-grave-marker.jpg

Who gets the twins?

Flagging Interest

ford-allen-flag-painting.jpg Wrap It Up

The Ford Library in Grand Rapids is now commemorating, um, commemorations.

ford-allen-flag-photo.jpg They’ve unveiled a painting of long time Museum board fixture Marty Allen carrying the flag after it flew at half staff for 30 days after Ford’s death.

Not to be confused with 70s comedian Marty Allen. ford-2marty-allen-comedian-betty-ford.JPG