Cutting The Cost Of Reagan
“A government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth.”
In the spirit of government thrift and efficiency so needed in the present crisis, Mark Ambinder points to the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate costing out the “Reagan Centennial Commission.”
This hoped for distinguished body would convene to mark the great man’s 100th, and is sponsored by California Tax Payer’s friend Elton Gallegly. The Simi Valley Republican represents Reagan’s relics at the Reagan Library, and is of course a scourge of government waste, fraud and abuse. The Reagan salute would come in at a million dollars.
Gallegly’s proposed commission would be dominated by the Reagan Library, who after recently staging elaborate displays celebrating Nancy Reagan’s gowns,   Reagan’s letters to Nancy, and a kids exhibitÂ
 inviting tykes to re-invade Grenada would appear to have the cash to do it themselves.
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