When Scions Attack: Camelot To Swallow
Hark, The HeraldÂ
Just as America tries to work up enthusiasm for the 2nd generation of Romney office holders comes word from Massachusetts: someone still believes in Camelot.
Or what a marketable name and a possibly fractured field can do in a primary.
The open seat created by Barney Frank’s retirement has brought forth a Kennedy, preloaded with pap for the rubes. Â Joseph P. Kennedy III has let it be known he feels a call to service, and he’s aghast at the nation’s bickering pols.
Vowing to rise above, young “3rd,” as no one calls him, has boldly called out  “partisan gridlock” [against it!].
With luck, we might enjoy a round of Hugo Chavez Baiting because of Kennedy’s father’s ties to the cancerous Comandante.
Last go round the nation was spared the indignity of Nixon offspring holding office from Long Island.  Now it falls to the voters of Massachusetts’ 4th to save the republic once again.
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