George H.W.Bush’s Transports of Delight
There’s Something About A TrainÂ
 For the Presidential Transport Complete-ist, exciting news from the plains of Texas.
MTH Electric Trains has launched a series of HO model trains commemorating an obscure tribute to former President H.W. Bush.
In 2005 the Union Pacific Railroad appears to have had time and rolling stock on its hands, so the company painted up one of their engines to vaguely resemble Air Force One’s color scheme, and slapped Bush’s name on it. It served as the highpoint of a railroad exhibit mounted by Bush’s Presidential Library, with as little apparent connection to his presidency as the Clinton Library’s ill-fated “Art of the Chopper” fiasco.
MTH’s model engine comes complete with a “Detachable Scale Snow Plow” and “(2) Cab Figures“ , all for just $ 189.95. Coming soon is a more glamor-ific model for a mere $ 429.95.
Why the Union Pacific’s interest in Bush family sucking up? UP CEO Richard K. Davidson served on a Homeland Security infrastructure advisory board, presumably working to assure that security didn’t get in the way of tons of toxins riding the rails. He served the Bushes in other ways as well, bundling for Junior and receiving a Kennedy Center board post.
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