Boy Howdy! Barack Obama’s Tropic Thunder

When Bugs Cry    Obama9

Indonesians of all ages turn out to see a splendid new statue commemorating Barack Obama’s brief childhood sojourn in the capitol Jakarta.
The BBC has locals hero worshiping Barack In Bronze, but the Jakarta Globe talked to a less happy resident.

Raditya Ayu speaks for youth:

I think people should make a statue of someone if that person has done something for the people. And I don’t think Obama has done anything for Indonesia. …I think they should have erected a statue of SBY [Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono] here, or even a statue of Michael Jackson. If you travel to a place where there is no TV, I’m sure you will find that people will still know him [Jackson]. He is really great.


Pre-Presidential knees in representational art have proud precedence of course in the Michigan Boy Scouts stirring tribute to local Eagle Gerry Ford.



Comments (1) left to “Boy Howdy! Barack Obama’s Tropic Thunder”

  1. Barry Far Away at WWW.PRESIDENTS”R”US.COM wrote:

    […] from the streets of Jakarta, the boy-statue of Barack Obama has found a home at Obama’s childhood school, or as Fox viewers know, his […]

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