Reagan Legacy Downturn Watch, Hustling The East Edition

For This I Got Out Of The Tub?   hanks-c-wilsons-war.jpg

Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s brother is suspected of opium smuggling ties, corruption is rife, and the war is being lost.  Who can win the struggle against Talaban and Al Qaeda?

Why not a former boy Stalinist?    afghanistan-party-founding.jpg

Who better to combat the unacknowledged spawn of the Reagan Era than the Reds we hoped they would beat!

Step forward  Muhammad Hanif Atmar, newly nominated for Interior Minister. afghanistan-7th-anniv.jpg

Atmar spent the 80s with the late unloved Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan, serving with the deeply sinister secret police, the Khad. He’s been Education Minister and held other posts in Karzai’s government, with his past neatly erased.

His experience in the siege of Jalalabad should serve him in good stead against the current threat.

Where To Turn?   i-dont-know-about-this-communism-box.jpg

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