Bush Opponents Look To The Future!

Only Interactivity Can Save Them! computers-that-saved-metrolpolis.jpg

Southern Methodist University Bush Library opponents have two months to block the future home of freedom in exile.

There’s no time to waste.

They don’t seem to have solved their wobbly supporter problem, but faith in the power to cloud men’s minds sustains them.

man-on-phone.gif All the modern conveniences will be deployed. Yes, even faxes!

“The campaign will entail an intensive public relations effort incorporating print, internet, fax, radio, TV and advertising.”

The real trick up their collective sleeve will be the power of the nets, as they pledge themselves to:

” designing and uploading a high-quality website with blog and interactive capability.”

These mighty tasks have been entrusted to the dynamos at P&S Associates of Maine LLC, run by yet another Methodist clergyman. This is the team responsible for the “Impeach Bush for Peace” website, which incorporates all the bells and whistles planned for the blog that will block Bush.

I think that thing in the corner is a peach. Gaze upon the future!


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