Drive Twarted?

johnson-car-water.jpg What Would Lyndon Drive?

The National Park Service faces a dilemma.

LBJ Ranch visitors have always had to park and load unto buses, which would take them to the big house. Visitors are declining, and his ranch office opens for the birth centenary in August. The Austin American-Statesman reports that the Park Service and the Johnson family want to let visitors drive onto the ranch to boost numbers. But former Ranch staffers, led by a former NPS Chief Historian say cars will compromise the park’s historic integrity.

Where the hell did Reagan Road come from? johnson-ranch.jpg



Teddy Roosevelt may not take Oyster Bay New York as easily as Kettle Hill. Local residents are beginning to question the need, size, and location of the Theodore Roosevelt Association’s proposed museum.

Newsday reports the natives growing restless, with one resident leading off a community forum with

“How do we stop this? I got the impression this was being rammed down our throats.”

roosevelt-t-head.jpg If TR Association Executive Director James Bruns fails he will at least fail while daring greatly:

“to do a presidential museum of a figure as prominent as Theodore Roosevelt you need a minimum of 80,000 square feet.”

How the Bush Library copes with 21,000 square feet, and the Clinton with 20,000 is unknown. And even if they are fudging their numbers, are they doing so by a factor of four?

Bush Is Back!

bush-peering.jpg “I sometimes wonder if I was really there”


The Senior President Bush speaking for many Americans as he muses about the Oval Office at his reopened and gussied up Presidential Library.



In his hour of need, Richard Nixon turned to the beacon of mankind, the friend of the oppressed. To the Soviet Union!

Yes, as he approached his darkest hour of resignation, only the land of real existing socialism, in the form of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, reached out to him.

Just released State Department documents show Breshnev’s message came through long time Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin. He told Nixon:

“No doubt, there are some people — and not only in the United States — who anticipate that Richard Nixon won’t be able to take it and will crack under the pressure…But, we are pleased to note, you have no intention of giving them that satisfaction.”


Nixon quit despite the Bolshevik bucking up.russians-are-coming.jpg

We’ll Believe It When We See The Fred Malek Jew Counting* Exhibit

naftali-tieless.jpg Nifty Naftali

The impossible takes a little longer at the Nixon Library.

New Director Timothy Naftali is still winded and a little dusty from single handedly removing the old, bad, inaccurate Watergate exhibit nixon-watergate-exhibit.jpgat the Nixon Library, Museum, Birthplace and Grave.

But he found the strength to congratulate himself for booking Watergate Hero-Reporter Carl Bernstein, book touring with his Hillary Clinton biography:

I was told when I got here it couldn’t be done

The Los Angeles Times and Orange County Register followed Bernstein around the grounds nixon-bernstein-library.jpgto the Nixon birthplace home nixon-grave-birthplace.gif, but if he paused at the the nearby grave it went unreported.

*Let’s review…