Nixon Now: What The Kids Do These Days

Someday I’ll catch up with today’s youth, with their curation, but until then I’ll remember old times, and follow in their wake.


h/t pareene

Barry Landau: America’s Presidential Historian & Snitch To The Stars

American Dream 

Sprightly blogger ITALKYOUBORED goes further for America, recalling still more detail on accused presidential document thief Barry Landau‘s previous encounters with the law.

Longtime readers will remember Barry’s starring role in shyster/fixer Roy Cohn’s failed effort to tag Jimmy Carter chief of staff Hamilton Jordan as a cocaine fiend.

Italky digs deep, coming up with further details of the episode which point to Landau as more instigator than reluctant witness.

Jordan’s alleged indiscretion prompted a semi-interminable Special Counsel investigation, which the balance-seeking missiles of the press somehow equated with the actual crimes Iran-Contra, bundling the disparate events into a compelling case of we-don’t-careto-know-whatour-bettersare-up-to.

So the Independent Counsel’s got killed, and the Republic staggered on.

Landau remains in a heap of trouble.

Read All About It: Republican Teleprompter Tall Tales

 Demand Your Prompt Refund!

 What with the tedious actual issues involved in federal budget fights, don’t we all need time to laugh?Step forward, Representative Scott WomackScreen shot 2010-12-12 at 17.07.38   , sponsor of a World Net Daily dog-whistler to save the American taxpayer by defunding White House teleprompters.

Now tragically withdrawn, the bill still serves a host of uses, reminding the faithful that Obama can’t really talk good without mechanical assistance, that unlike his rough-hewn predecessor Obama is a fancy boy fraud.  

Revenging Reagan: You Can’t Libel A Dead Man!

Any Number Can Play! photo Eager Republican National Committee beavers want you to send birthday greetings to the ghost of Ronald Reagan, and appear to be shunting them onto the Twitter without editing.Pranksters have already had at it, and you can join the conversation here.How do you remember Ronald Reagan?

Twitter Twaddle

The Awesome Power Of Social Media® jordanraniatwitter.tiff

 The Washington Post reports another exciting example of our betters communicating with us via the Twitter, fostering new vistas of openness and communication.

The Twit in question is beloved Jordanian Queen Rania, who like Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan types from on high to her million plus  followers.

Unfortunately her husband the King has his own ideas about transparency.

The Post says magic Kingdom is implementing laws regulating Internet speech which include forced labor to punish infractions. This has not prevented the Queen from emitting on such controversial topics as education [for it!] and micro-finance [splendid idea].

Her Huffington Post column is comparatively hard edged, with the Palestinian descended monarch actually flirting with criticising Israel.

Your fascinating future of Social Media beacons!