George W. Bush’s Berlin Wall Moment!
….in that, like Reagan, his apologists will now rush to credit him with something that didn’t happen on his watch.
  “I commend President Obama who has followed the vigilance of President Bush in bringing Bin Laden to justice “ |
The “Who Got  bin Laden” myth-making has already begun, with Republican House leaders reluctantly adding Obama to the Bush victory parade.Â
Your Washington Post reluctantly conceded that bin Laden died during Barack Obama’s presidency.   Homeland Security Committee Chair Peter King [Provisional IRA, New York] sees Bush’s empty bluster as the foundation of victory:  “President Bush deserves great credit for putting action behind those words.“And what words they were!  “If somebody tries to stop the march to democracy, we will seek them out and kill them!Â
 The Twitter-sphere is awash in bizarre statements like  “Obama gets to enjoy the feeling of a (prior) cic’s victory.”
   Forgotten in the wave of Bush Revisionism are Bush’s frenzied efforts to dot this particular “I” before leaving office.
 And Obama’s weekend topping of the Gipper’s record by killing both a child and three of the strongman’s grandchildren.  Reagan only got one.*
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