Ronald Reagan: Africa Calling!
The haunting parallels of Lincoln’s and Kennedy’s lives infest the Internet, but what of Ronald Reagan and the latest New Reagan?
The unlikely Reaganaut is the bad boy of South African politics, Jacob Zuma, and the stories premise is amiable front man for expert staff achieved greatness.
Zuma is expected to be elected South African President Wednesday:
Let’s examine the amazing Reagan/Zuma life coincidences!
Started as trade unionist            Started as trade unionist
Challenged sitting president        Challenged sitting president
More than one marriage            More than one marriage
Arms scandal! Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Arms scandal!
Reagan Reborn: Seek Him Everywhere at WWW.PRESIDENTS”R”US.COM wrote:
[…] Star of South Africa has revisited an old favorite, the rebirth of Ronald Reagan in the form of a former guerrilla fighter with Communists in his […]
Posted on 23-Dec-09 at 11:00 pm | Permalink