George W. Bush: The Sphinx Of Preston Hollow


Keeping His Own Counsel   2001 to ?

Karl Rove is finally answering some questions before a Congressional committee, but his ex boss continues to dodge testifying in  a dispute over land bought for the George W. Bush Presidential Library at Southern Methodist University.

SMU bought out condo owners on land originally intended for the Library, and some former owners claim they would have gotten more for their property had they known the Bush Library loomed.

Once Happy Homes 


The University claims they bought the land just cuz, that the Library happened along later, and anyway the Bush site has moved north of the disputed property.  The former owners are curious what SMU told Bush and when, but the Dallas retiree says he shouldn’t be vexed with such petty litigation.

Bush’s relationship to SMU isn’t recent or distant.  They worked him for the Library throughout his administration, and the land was purchased $35 million donated by Roy Hunt.  Hunt was also a major Bush campaign donor and intelligence board appointee, and acquired dubious oil leases in Iraq in the waning days of the Bush era.

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