Nothing To See Here

Everything Must Go! white-house-burning.jpg

Whatever will they fill the SMU Bush Library with?

The White House has said it may have “lost” as many as five million emails, than said it didn’t know and resented the question.

Henry Waxman hosted the White House’s email trackers and the Archivist of the United States, exploring whether the Bush Library at SMU will have anything to put in the place.

bush-at-computer.jpg Whatever they did to preserve email, Waxman says they did it intentionally.

“[The White House] dismantled an effective system and replaced it with a primitive alternative that just didn’t work…It initiated its own study of missing e-mails in 2005 and now derisively attacks its own work as incompetent and grossly inaccurate.”

Archivist Alan Weinstein is supposed to be watching how the White House keeps it’s papers, but appears to have been incurious to say the least. Bush named him to the post in murky circumstances, and he’s had trouble with papers before.

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