President’s Day Prophecies Fulfilled!
White House Easter Egg historian C. L. Arbelbide explored the troubled history of the nebulous President’s Day holiday in the National Archives journal and dug up some interesting predictions during Congress’s debate over lumping federal holidays onto Mondays.
“It was the collective judgment of the Committee on the Judiciary,” stated Mr. William Moore McCulloch (R-Ohio) “that this [naming the day “President’s Day”] would be unwise. Certainly, not all Presidents are held in the same high esteem as the Father of our Country. There are many who are not inclined to pay their respects to certain Presidents. Moreover, it is probable that the members of one political party would not relish honoring a President from the other political party whether he was in office, no matter how outstanding history may find his leadership.”
“…if we make Monday holidays, to fulfill the promise to merchants that they are going to do a better business, that employees of the stores of this country will have no holidays. They will work at selling merchandise. That is about what will happen.” Rep. Harold Gross (R-Iowa)