Legacy Defense
The Bush Library: both a weapon and a defense.
Karl Rove is beavering away on the Bush Library to come, presumably lavishing his attention on the Fantastic Freedom Institute which is expected to resurrect Bush’s, shall we say, mottled image.
Now comes word of just how deeply Rove cares. The 9-11 Commission’s former Executive Director of the has been outed in “The Commission” by Philip Shenon as frequently chatting with Rove.
Philip Zelikow claims they discussed the Bush Library, but it’s all just so hard to remember. “I don’t recall ever having an extended conversation with him, and certainly not about politics or the commission.”
“The book says phone logs maintained by the commission’s executive assistant showed at least two calls from Rove to Zelikow’s office number in June 2003, and two more calls in September. During that time, the commission was in the midst of its fact-finding.Zelikow ordered the assistant to stop keeping phone records of his contacts with the White House, the book said, but the panel’s general counsel instructed her to ignore the order.The phone logs do not record Zelikow’s calls out, nor do they show calls on his cell phone, which he relied on for most outgoing calls. Records from the Government Accountability Office, which maintained some of the commission’s phone records, showed frequent calls from Zelikow to telephone numbers in area code 202, with the telephone prefix 4-5-6 — the prefix exclusive to the White House, the book says.”