Study Haul

white-house-studies-header.jpg Exploring the history of past Chief Executives – what could be more wholesome?

But it’s hard to maintain a sense of the dignity of the office when there seem to be multiple successive versions of White House Studies online.

The oldest seems to be this one. The news section appears to have died in 2001.

Everything goes terribly wrong when bad links happen to good people. They appear to want this guy, but the link they have up is Not Safe For Work, to say the least.

This version seems to have stalled in 2004, but wisely left it’s links page blank.

I think this is the correct current page.

The straightforward page name is a path to junk – is a pile of ads. And of course there is, legendarily a porn site, but now is just miscellaneous crap with some links to the actual White House site.

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