Not In My Backyard

Get Stuffed roosevelt-t-doll-with-bear.JPG

Someone doesn’t care for the idea of a new Teddy Roosevelt “presidential library”in Oyster Bay New York.

The National Park Service official overseeing Roosevelt’s home at Sagamore Hill is not interested new competition:

“We already have a TR museum at Sagamore Hill. … you wouldn’t want to confuse visitors that to go to a downtown museum is visiting Sagamore Hill…In Washington, D.C. there is only one monument to TR. That is Roosevelt Island on the Potomac River… It seems to me that a museum in Washington where there are multiple millions of visitors, would be more appropriate…There are many other places that could use a place to learn and celebrate TR. He is so instrumental in starting the National Park Service – let’s put it someplace where people can visit him…I wouldn’t want to make a lot of changes in Oyster Bay…The whole idea of Presidential Libraries started with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. TR was ahead of his times, but his papers have been preserved and protected and are available to the public at Harvard and the Library of Congress..”

Deputy Regional Director of the North Eastern Region of the National Park Service Chrysandra Walter

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