Ike Vs. A Ball Of Twine
Ever been to Kansas? Doesn’t matter – you too, or rather you three times may vote in the state’s “8 Wonders of Kansas” balloting.
The Eisenhower Library in Abilene is in the running, and campaigning hard, but in order to vote for or against it you have to vote a full slate of eight out of twenty-four prospects. To somehow make up for this Soviet Central committee style “election” you can vote three times between now and years end.
The choices are, um, very Kansaseque. Your natural feature , buildings
more land, and even more land
And all that string!
The great John Steuart Curry murals in the state Capitol are on the ballot, but the organizers’ description is rather begrudging.
“The John Steuart Curry murals are a finalist for the 8 Wonders of Kansas because Curry was one of the greatest American regionalist painters and, despite great controversy, he considered the murals in the State Capitol his greatest work!…Curry’s critics disliked his color scheme and the over-all menacing effect of the mural….Still, the murals are known as some of the greatest public art in the country…”
Yup, it’s the color scheme.