Rich And Strange

There is something very strange about the people who have assembled themselves around the President over the past few years.” *


As Karl Rove steps into what shadows the Texas sun will provide, History News Network is trying to answer the WTF factor of the Bush Presidency.They are polling: Did Karl Do It?, but more broadly HNNists are asking how we came to be led off the cliff by people with such supreme confidence they were destiny’s darlings.

Daniel Brendan Larison wonders:

“There is something very strange about the people who have assembled themselves around the President over the past few years. Many of them seem to have an outsized sense of their own world-historical importance, and many of them are convinced that they have a superior understanding of the lessons of history, but their grasp of history never seems to escape the generic, the vague and the facile.”

David Greenberg writes in “Slate” [excerpted by HNN] on how beyond the desperate analogy lunges [“It’ll be like the occupation of Japan!”] , Bush’s madman calm may reveal his sense of himself as channel for forces which passeth understanding.

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