Obama: Wish He Won’t In Dixie

Cause For Alarm 

A group of academics have petitioned President Obama to end a beloved presidential tradition dating back to Liberal Idol Woodrow Wilson: sending a wreath each year to a Confederate war memorial in Arlington.


The legacy of the man who segregated Washington DC lives on in this sacred annual remembrance, only shifted from Jefferson Davis’s birthday to Memorial Day by the first President Bush.

And not just any cracker monument.

The speeches at its ground-breaking and dedication defended and held up as glorious the Confederacy and the ideas behind it and stated that the monument was to these ideals as well as the dead. It was also intended as a symbol of white nationalism, portrayed in opposition to the multiracial democracy of Reconstruction, and a celebration of the re-establishment of white supremacy in the former slave states by former Confederate soldiers.

The monument is a relic of lost cause-ism, reading in part:

The power of numbers and the longest guns cannot destroy principle nor obliterate truth.”

Straw for Last Gaspers to grab hold of:  the distinguished professors whose names are enrolled on the petition to the President include old pal Bill Ayers!

Comments (2) left to “Obama: Wish He Won’t In Dixie”

  1. Obama: Elections Have Consequences, Wars Not So Much at WWW.PRESIDENTS”R”US.COM wrote:

    […] « Obama: Wish He Won’t In Dixie […]

  2. Obama Honors Racists: It Doesn’t End Well at WWW.PRESIDENTS”R”US.COM wrote:

    […] organizer of an historians’ petition asking President Obama to stop coddling racist traitors and their defende… offers an after-action report: it’s sort of a step forward, two steps […]

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